Let's boost your online presence automatically with Beno

Beno will find relevant conversations and naturally mention your business, just like a real user would

Using Beno costs $50 a month and take just 2 minutes to setup, compared to manual replies which can take 35-60 hours and cost $1860 monthly.

Mentions in Social Networks

Using Beno costs $50 a month and take just 2 minutes to setup, compared to manual replies which can take 35-60 hours and cost $1860 monthly.

Mentions in Social Networks

Always relevant. Never spammy

Like real users. Not bots

Reply on reddit

Key Features

Discover what makes Beno the best choice for automated online engagement
  • Most Popular

    Automated Engagement

    Tap into effortless online presence with our auto responder for social media, harnessing AI-powered writing to initiate conversations.

  • Real-Time Monitoring

    With media monitoring skills, we track your social media reach and brand tracking for nimble reputation management.

  • 24/7 Support

    Rely on us for continuous community management tools support, ensuring you can always manage multiple social media accounts efficiently.

Why Beno?

  • Save Time and Effort

    With Beno, you can save valuable time and effort by automating your online engagement. We handle thousands of conversations about your business, so you can focus on what matters most.

  • Increase Online Presence

    By using Beno, you can effortlessly increase your online presence and reach a wider audience. Our platform ensures high-quality engagement, helping you stand out from the competition.

  • Reduce Your Costs

    Beno reduces your costs by automating the process of finding customers. Spend less time monitoring social networks and more time growing your business.

Our replies are loved by many

Reply on Youtube

How It Works

  • 1

    Describe You Project

    Your description is key! The quality and relevance of our replies depend on how well you describe your project.

  • 2

    Track Mentions

    We track relevant discussions across the internet based on your description.

  • 3

    Centralized Mentions

    All relevant mentions are displayed in one dashboard and can be exported.

  • 4

    Post Selection

    Our AI selects high-quality, recent, and relevant posts where your product deserves a shoutout in the replies.

  • 5

    Natural Engagement

    We engage naturally with mentions of your business, just like a real user would.

For Whom?

  • Small Business Owners

    You get a powerful ally in Beno, designed to elevate your brand's visibility and automate your social media engagement seamlessly. With Beno, managing multiple social media platforms becomes a breeze, freeing up your time to focus on growing your business. It's all about getting your marketing strategy to work smarter, not harder, ensuring you stay ahead in the digital marketing game without breaking the bank.

  • Digital Marketing Professionals

    As a digital marketing pro, you get an edge with Beno's deep dive analytics and customizable engagement tools, all while keeping your brand's voice consistent across the digital landscape. This tool is your best bet for steering clear of the typical headaches associated with campaign management, SEO optimization, and lead gen. It's like having a digital marketing agency's power without the overhead, making every marketing plan you craft not just a strategy, but a success story.

  • Content Creators and Influencers

    If you're in the business of content creation or influencing, Beno is your secret weapon. You get to manage a flood of comments and mentions effortlessly, ensuring every interaction with your community feels personal and genuine. It's about amplifying your social media strategy without losing your touch, giving you the freedom to focus on what you do best: creating content that resonates and engages. With Beno, your social media presence isn't just maintained; it's supercharged.

What Users Find Useful in Beno

  • Beno automates a process I handle manually every day as a founder. It monitors relevant discussions and responds to them, saving me a couple of hours each day.

    B2B Startup Founder
  • We are always looking for new ways to generate more leads. Beno stands out with its innovative approach in marketing by using AI to score discussions on Reddit and post useful, relevant replies in the most pertinent ones. This approach helps keep our client acquisition costs low.

    Growth Product Manager of a B2B SaaS company
  • The setup for Beno is incredibly simple and quick. It only takes 5-10 minutes to get started.

    Startup CTO
  • I have to create and manage accounts manually, dealing with different sign-ups and sign-ins. Beno takes care of all that, it manages accounts automatically. 

    Marketing Agency Founder

Pricing Plans

2 months for freeEmoji Gift PNG
  • Sensei's Apprentice

    Beno will select relevant discussions and create replies, but will not post them using Beno Reddit accounts
    • Unlimited relevant discussions
    • Unlimited generated replies
    • 1 project
  • Samurai Scout

    Try automated online engagement
    • Unlimited relevant discussions
    • Unlimited generated replies
    • 1 project
    • Automated posting with Beno accounts
    • Up to 50 automatically posted replies monthly
    • Customizable responses
  • Shogun Strategist

    Automated online engagement for growth hackers
    • Unlimited relevant discussions
    • Unlimited generated replies
    • 1 project
    • Automated posting with Beno accounts
    • Up to 150 automatically posted replies monthly
    • Customizable responses
  • Emperor's Elite

    Scale your business like never before
    • Unlimited relevant discussions
    • Unlimited generated replies
    • 3 projects
    • Automated posting with Beno accounts
    • Up to 450 automatically posted replies monthly
    • Customizable Responses

Our Story

Beno was born out of our own needs when we were engaged with other products. We questioned how to increase distribution with minimal resources. In doing so, we noticed a large number of users on social media and forums like Reddit discussing issues that our product ideally solved. Initially, we tried to respond manually and even garnered a significant number of likes, but we realized that this process was time-consuming and could be automated, especially with AI. That's how Beno was created ❤️

See if Beno is right for you

Find out how you can boost your online presence automatically

Frequently Asked Questions

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Some insights to share with you

About Beno, digital marketing, social media marketing, and more. We have firsthand experience and hope it will be helpful for you too

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🤖 AI in Digital Marketing for Beginners with 2024 AI Tools

This guide looks at how AI is changing social media marketing for new starters, and talks about tools make social media processes much easier and smarter.

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How Digital Marketing Helps Small Businesses. Our Story

We start like many small businesses — many projects but not so much money for big advertisements. We needed a way to find customers for our unknown products. 

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🚀 Top Lead Generation Tools: A Story for Small Businesses [2024 Tools]

Let’s create a scenario with a fictional small to medium-sized online boutique named "Let's Dress Up". With appealing products but limited market reach, our example boutique needed a robust strategy to attract and convert potential customers.

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Thoughts on the a16z AI Marketer Article from Beno's Founder

I recently read an interesting article by a16z, which talks about generative AI in sales and marketing. Here’s what I found particularly interesting and where I think we add something unique.

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Not Only Lead Acquisition: Insights from Conversations with Beno Users

Recently, I had the chance to sit down with some of our users to understand what they find most interesting and useful about Beno. What I discovered were diverse perspectives and unique insights that truly opened my eyes to how Beno is making a difference. 

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